Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Hello all, this is Jermon Sims with another key to successful living. I will be frank in this segment and, say that if you have been living in the same world I have, then you know that no one person has it all figured out. This blanket statement is true in a general sense, but not true in an individual sense, because we all have different trails to cut in life. No person can give you all of what you need to reach your destination, you will have to rely on your own creative ability, that fits the course that you have set for your life. It is possible to gleam things, examples, etc., from those that have gone before you, but the real fire for life comes from your own creative juices. Hence this leads me to the aforementioned title of this blog (co-dependency the enemy of creativity), you see the average person has to check with everyone in the world before they make a decision, or act on a decision, the danger is you are not confident in you own ability, and you end up letting others make decisions for you, thereby taking a creative force out of the world. The Creator made you his very own blank page, and nobody, I mean nobody can do it like you, so don't be ashamed of who you are, and how you do it, because you are the next best thing waiting to happen, an individual like no other !!!! In closing I encourage you not to let life or others talk you out of your ideas, do yourself a favor make a decision and stand behind it on your own, and see how empowering it is, you will see that if you believe, others will believe in you. Til next time this is Jermon talking from his perspective, saying BE DECISIVE !!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hello, this is Jermon Sims with another key to being successful, it's called living life in the proper tense, now some might say what do you mean. I will explain, see in life you have three tenses, past, present , and future, and depending on which one you live in the most, consequently it has something to do with your progress in life. I have seen the benefits of living my life primarily in the now, now is when everything is happening, and if you don't learn to live in the now you will always be forced to watch the train go by. In the bible *Hebrews 11:1 reads NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things no seen, the emphasis being on NOW, even faith is happening NOW, and if you don't live in the NOW, believe in the NOW, see yourself at your goal NOW, you will find that your dreams will never materialize READ THE "HOLY BIBLE". I am a fan of the past, and future also, at the proper time, you see you can learn from your past, and be inspired by past victories, but the danger is in living there, that is when your progress stops. Also it is good to look towards the future, because there is where you will find HOPE, which is what faith is adding (PRESENT TENSE) substance to (Hebrews 11:1) NOW, but the danger in living there is that, to much time in the future can become wishful thinking, or day dreaming, and you neglect to act NOW where life is happening. Remember to pray like is all on God, and work like it's all on you, and YOU cannot miss !!!!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Hello, my name is Jermon Sims, I am a real estate agent/investor, and I have discovered a key to being successful. I have discovered that success in any arena of life has to start internally, or it will have no longevity. I often wondered why 80% of people who win the lottery end up broke or back where they came from, and the answer is because they never owned, or possesed, internally the reality of coming into such great wealth, and the ramifications of it. People that win the lottery are a product of wishful thinking, not faith, so they don't prepare their minds for wealth, most are trained to live check to check, so when you have something in the natural (external) realm that you did not posses in the spirit realm (internally), every thing in you tries to get you back to where you came from, check to check, because that is your reality internally. Hence if your thinking is not changed where money, or success is concerned, what actually came to bless you, could in turn curse you, if you are not prepared. Think of loosing all that money and having no systematic way of ever getting it back, it could be devastating to a persons confidence and self -esteem. I have been in training for wealth since 1998, and I own my vision and my financial destiny, so the money is no surprise to me, neither does it rule my emotions, because of the financial foundation I have. The key for me is financial education, and putting into practice daily, INTERNAL POSSESION = EXTERNAL EXPRESSION = LONGEVITY.READ "THE NEW PHYSCO-CYBERNETICS"