Monday, November 26, 2007


Hello, my name is Jermon Sims, I am a real estate agent/investor, and I have discovered a key to being successful. I have discovered that success in any arena of life has to start internally, or it will have no longevity. I often wondered why 80% of people who win the lottery end up broke or back where they came from, and the answer is because they never owned, or possesed, internally the reality of coming into such great wealth, and the ramifications of it. People that win the lottery are a product of wishful thinking, not faith, so they don't prepare their minds for wealth, most are trained to live check to check, so when you have something in the natural (external) realm that you did not posses in the spirit realm (internally), every thing in you tries to get you back to where you came from, check to check, because that is your reality internally. Hence if your thinking is not changed where money, or success is concerned, what actually came to bless you, could in turn curse you, if you are not prepared. Think of loosing all that money and having no systematic way of ever getting it back, it could be devastating to a persons confidence and self -esteem. I have been in training for wealth since 1998, and I own my vision and my financial destiny, so the money is no surprise to me, neither does it rule my emotions, because of the financial foundation I have. The key for me is financial education, and putting into practice daily, INTERNAL POSSESION = EXTERNAL EXPRESSION = LONGEVITY.READ "THE NEW PHYSCO-CYBERNETICS"


Peter H Lazier Realtor Appraiser said...

Nice words. I am going through a very difficult divorce and it is having an effect on my self confidence. Do you ever question your confidence, or have problems picking up the phone and making those calls for business?

Jermon Sims said...

Peter we all have taht inner critic, that causes us to want to second quess ourselves. I have found that a healthy dialogue with my self always causes me to rise up and go with what I believe, more than what I see. Peter don't put your opinion on top of facts, for instance your are going through a divorce, thats a fact, but your opinion is that it is difficult. I have been there twice and I don't change who I am just because someone else can't seem to appreciate me any more, because I determine my own self worth or esteem. Life is progressive and if you are not progressing you have stopped living, Peter go ahead and live again !!!!...........JERMON