Sunday, January 6, 2008


Hello all, this is Jermon Sims with another key to being successful, to help you start off 2008 right. I want to start out by wishing every one a Happy New Year, and I hope you have your goals set, for what you are going to do, and not a list of things to stop doing. I hope you see that nugget, get it, if you focus on where you want to be, where you don't want to be will fade away, the deal is, what you focus on good or bad will come to you READ "THE SECRET". Hence this brings me to my topic (" The difference between hearing and listening"), see in our world today people are so busy, that they end up not chewing and digesting information, to receive true benefit. I have noticed in my field of interest ( Real Estate) that many people are functioning off of surface information, such as the media, news paper, etc......., no one is meditating on whats really happening in the market, if they were they would see that 2008 mirrors 1998, and that we are in the trough of the next big wave, and with every wave comes adjustments, that go against tradition. I know you have all heard of thinking outside of the box, but in this 21st century, you had better get rid of the box, and go to no box thinking, the old way does not work anymore. Well enough about me and my field, lets get back to the subject, hearing gives you surface information, that when acted upon give you instant results, but sets you up for disappointment, because you always miss something. Listening on the other hand allows your heart to catch secrets that others miss, and they wonder why you are always on the cutting edge, see meditation gets the blood out of the turnip, and can be used for your benefit. Hence, I had a lot of you to read my blog, and many people didn't know that there were 3 topics, if only they had scrolled down the page, so my suggestion to you is go back and READ IT AGAIN, then send me your comments from the BLOG site or e-mail me at . In 2008 don't forget to meditate, God is in the details, until next time this is Jermon Sims talking from his perspective....May Peace, Power, and Prosperity be yours............!!!


Sunny1 said...

Hey Jermon,
Enjoyed reading your blogs! It IS easy to recognize the depth of thought put into good design- God IS in the details!In this fast paced, fragmented, ever shorter lifetime, we learn from the past, live for today, and plan for the future. If we listen carefully, we will hear our God's voice guiding and encouraging each step and rejoicing in our accomplishments. There is true delight and discovery in hearing what is said and interpretation is always unique! Keep up the good work- Attitude will change our world!

Jermon Sims said...

Thanks, Sunny1 I will be involved in changing this world !!!!